Current Members of the Wolfe Lab

Paul studies evolutionary process in Penstemon section Penstemon subsection Proceri. This group has many polyploid species. Paul is interested in examining the evolutionary dynamics of polyploidy, especially from a genomics and modeling perspective.
See also:
Articles authored or co-authored by Paul Blischak:
Wolfe AD, Necamp T, Fassnacht S, Blischak P, Kubatko L (in review) Conservation genetics of Penstemon albomarginatus (Plantaginaceae), a rare Mojave Desert species of deep sand habitats. Conservation Genetics
Blischak PD, Kubatko L, Wolfe AD (in press) Accounting for genotype uncertainty in the estimate of allele frequencies in autopolyploids. Molecular Ecology Resources 16:742-754.
Blischak PD, Wenzel AJ*, Wolfe AD (2014) Gene prediction and annotation in Penstemon (Plantaginaceae): A workflow for marker development from extremely low-coverage genome sequencing. Applications in Plant Sciences 2, 1400044

Wolfe Lab Collaborators

Shannon worked on the basal lineage of Penstemon, including phylogenetics, population genetics, and pollination ecology. She has continued her work on Penstemon with a focus on subgenus Saccanthera. She is currently an associate professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at California State University, Sacramento.