Penstemon tiehmii
The epithet for this species honors its discoverer, Arnold (Jerry) Tiehm. Jerry has been collecting in Nevada since the mid-1970s. From 1983 to 1988 he worked at the New York Botanical Garden as a curatorial assistant. During that time his summer support came from the Intermountain Flora NSF grant to collect in the Great Basin. As a measure of the value of his collections, this protologue brings his total of type collections to 19. These and his many general collections have been invaluable to the Intermountain Flora research, and his knowledge of the Great Basin flora has served reviewer of manuscripts well. His most recent published contribution is his very useful treatise Nevada Vascular Plant Types and Their Collectors (Tiehm, 1996).
2n = 16
Holmgren NH. 1998. Two new species of penstemon (Scrophulariaceae: sect. Saccanthera) from Nevada, U.S.A. Brittonia. 50(2):159-164.